Course Details
Significant time and resources are required to develop and maintain each course, as a result only those courses with the greatest current demand in Canada are listed below.
If you have a need for a specific course that is not listed, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Airport Operations
WAM-FL (Winter Airport Maintenance - the Front Line)
The WAM-FL course reviews the airfield and groundside maintenance issues specific to winter. Services to air carriers, tenants and the public are examined and snow and ice control planning, equipment, materials and techniques, year-round maintenance activities and safety and record keeping are all discussed in detail.
The course is 2 days in duration and designed for airfield maintainers, supervisors directly involved in airport winter maintenance and managers and other staff new to airports desiring an understanding of airport winter maintenance issues.
Passing a written test is required for certification.
AIM (Airside snow & Ice control Materials)
The AIM course details the selection, handling, storage and application of airside and groundside ice control sands and chemicals. The nuances of different types of application equipment and the specifications and characteristics of various sands and ice control chemicals are examined along with application techniques and conditions of application.
The course is 1.5 days in duration and designed for all maintenance staff with responsibilities for ice and snow control.
The AIM certification course facilitates efficient, safe and cost effective use of ice control materials and completion demonstrates compliance with Transport Canada’s regulations and advisory material.
Passing a written is required for certification.
AIM-M (Airside Snow & Ice Control Material Management)
The AIM-M course includes the AIM course material plus additional detailed material addressing cost management of ice control materials. Guidance on selection, budgeting, procurement, and usage assessment is included.
The course is 2 days in duration and designed for all staff with responsibilities for procurement and use of materials and supervision of ice and snow control.
WinOps (Airport Winter Operations)
The WinOps course provides a detailed examination of airport winter maintenance and operations requirements including all pertinent regulatory and guidance material. Organizational structure, snow and ice control priorities, levels of maintenance, staff duties, communications and stakeholder interests are all addressed in the context of the airport’s Winter Maintenance Plan and Winter Operations Manual.
Completion of the course demonstrates compliance with the requirements of multiple Transport Canada’s regulations and advisory material and includes the framework for review of the airport’s Winter Maintenance Plan and Winter Operation Manual.
The course is 2.5 days in duration and is designed for all staff with responsibilities for airport winter maintenance, operations and stakeholder communications.
Completion of the course workbook and course scenario exercises and passing a written test are all required for certification.
WinOps Adjunct Session (in conjunction with above WinOps course)
The WinOps Adjunct Session follows the form of a ‘winter operations meeting’ with TTS acting as the discussion leader and moderator. The session agenda is structured to address each of the topics that the regulator requires the airport to discuss with tenants and other matters of mutual importance to the airport operator and key players such as the Air Navigation Service provider (in Canada NAV Canada). The discussion structure ensures that the regulator’s requirements are complied with.
The half day session normally includes key Airport Authority maintenance and operations staff and stakeholder representatives as invited by the Airport Authority.
WAMSCR (Winter Aircraft Movement Surface Condition Reporting and Friction Measurement)
The WAMSCR certification course provides a full and complete explanation of the principals, terminology, procedures, vehicles, instruments and skills required for correct assessment, measurement and reporting of aircraft movement surface conditions and operational runway friction.
The course is 2.5 days in duration and designed for all persons responsible for and providing operational reports of airfield conditions to air traffic control, pilots and others during winter.
Completion of this course and passing the written and practical tests demonstrates compliance with Transport Canada’s regulatory and advisory material. This course is configurable for other jurisdictions.
ASI (Airport SNOWiz Inputs) - WAMSCR Supplement
The ASI WAMSCR supplement is one half day in duration and covers the details and practicalities of delivering AMSCRs to NAV Canada via their SNOWiz web portal, either directly at an office computer terminal or via a commercial in-vehicle computerized reporting system that is interfaced with the SNOWiz web portal.
Bird and Wildlife Management
The Bird and Wildlife Management course provides an in-depth appreciation of the implications of uncontrolled bird and wildlife activity within the vicinity of aircraft, regulatory requirements for control, incident reporting and remediation. A written test must be completed for certification. The course is 2.5 days in duration and intended for all staff participating in bird and wildlife control or making bird and wildlife management decisions.
SMS–M&S (SMS - Medium & Small Airports)
The SMS-Gen course provides the participant with an overall understanding of the SMS requirements, auditing of the SMS, corrective and preventive actions, continual improvement and human factors in airport operations. The course includes individual and team activities and case studies that are relevant to the operation of a small to medium sized airport/aerodrome here in Canada.
The course is 2.5 days in duration and is designed for all levels of airport operations staff, including the Accountable Executive and senior management.
SMS-IA (SMS Internal Auditing)
The SMS-IA course communicates and demonstrates the process of auditing the implemented SMS. The course participants learn the methods, practices and techniques that are typically used worldwide for the internal auditing of safety, environmental and quality management systems.
The course is 2.5 days in duration and is designed for those who wish to conduct their own internal audits in accordance with CAR 107, and for those who wish to understand the internal audit process being conducted by 3rd party organizations.
The course includes all aspects of the audit process including auditor training/selection, and audit planning, execution, reporting and follow-up. Passing a written test is required for certification.
HF-OPS (Human Factors in Airport Operations)
The HF-OPS course addresses the impact of human actions within the airport/aerodrome environment. The participants are introduced to the subtle and obvious factors that have an impact upon the safe operation of an airport/aerodrome.
The course is based upon the widely accepted FAA definition of Human Factors and includes an in-depth exploration of “The Dirty Dozen” common causes of mistakes in the aviation industry.
The course is 1 day in duration and is designed for all airport operations staff including the Accountable Executive and senior management. Passing a written test is required for certification.
Drinking Water Quality Management
TTS offers two versions of Drinking Water Quality Management training courses. Our first course is suited for those organizations and municipalities that are responsible for the management and operation of a drinking water treatment and/or distribution system located outside the Province of Ontario.
Our second course is specific to the operation of Municipal Drinking Water Systems in Ontario. This course describes the changes made in Revision 2 of the DWQMS and the manner in which Operating Authority may best update their existing Operational Plan and implement the changes. The course has been submitted to OWWCO for Director approval.
Drinking Water Quality Management for Organizations and Municipalities
Typically, drinking water operations are regulated to ensure that treated water chemistry meets the legislated requirements for safe drinking water. This course is designed to address the steps for effective management of drinking water treatment and distribution operations where there are no current regulations addressing operations management.
The participant learns how to identify risks to the provision of safe drinking water and to develop methods to mitigate and/or eliminate identified risks. Steps for effective preventive and corrective action are presented with the goal of eliminating the root cause of any potential or actual noncompliance situations.
The course has been prepared for delivery to organizations such as airports, processing and manufacturing facilities and municipalities responsible for the production and provision of safe drinking water.
Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS) – Revision 2, for Ontario Operating Authorities
The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) has updated the DWQMS. Significant changes have been made to some of the elements. Others have been reworded or restructured for clarification.
This course has been designed to provide the participant with the knowledge to successfully update their current operational plans, procedures and auditing practices to reflect the revised standard. Included in this course is a section that addresses the expectations of the following:
- • MOECC Inspections Branch
- • 3rd party Management System Registrars
- • the drinking water system owners
- • the consumer
The course has been submitted to the Ontario Water Wastewater Certification Office for Director Approval and the issuance of Continuing Education Units (CEUs).